Bluecollar Pet Transport

Blue Collar Pet Transport

A Day in the Life of a Pet Shipper

Flying or driving pets from city to city, state to state, or even country to country sounds like a wonderfully fun job, doesn’t it? As a pet relocator, your four-footed passengers are everything from baby Chihuahuas to Maine coon cats, and it’s your job to earn their trust, handle them gently, and take them from point A to point B, all while being sure to communicate during transit with their human families. What exactly is it like to be entrusted with such precious passengers? We stopped in to talk with Richard Hardy, the founder of Blue Collar Pet Transport, to get his perspective on the importance of being responsible for such special clients and of making sure that the whole operation runs like clockwork, rain or shine.

“My day starts early!” Richard says. “The sun hasn’t even come up yet, and I’m already working, going over the day’s schedules and making sure I know exactly what’s going on, who’s going to do it, and where. Blue Collar Pet Transport is a company focused on details, and while I have a lot of balls to juggle, so to speak, I never let one drop.”

Each morning, Richard reviews all flight and car manifests for the day and for the next week, being sure that ground and air transport have been arranged for the company’s passengers and that the routes are optimized. “Blue Collar Pet Transport is a large operation,” he says, “so thankfully I have a great team to help me with this. We are always reviewing upcoming relocations, making 100% sure that the details are right. It doesn’t matter if we are taking a dog to a city that is 50 miles away or flying it to a different state – we check and double-check everything so that our passenger will arrive on time as expected.”

There are also a lot of questions to answer from both clients as well as pet owners looking for information. “As Blue Collar Pet Transport has grown, I have found that there is a lot of interest in what we do,” Richard says. “Clients are looking for stability, reliability, and empathy. We try to give that to them each day. Our phone is answered 24/7, so whether you would like some general information or are wanting to know the status of a pet in transit, we are ready to provide the answers to you.”

Richard has even driven some dogs and cats to their new homes himself. “That’s a lot of fun, I have to admit,” he says, smiling. “I have met some really cool animals these past few years, including one very talented poodle that knew how to do some awesome tricks. Every animal has got its own personality, and we all get a kick out of seeing them in action.”

The reunions, he says, are always emotional to see. “Both the pet and their human family are so happy to see each other. That’s probably the best part of my day – watching as these great friends are reunited again. And, of course, you know dogs – their tails wag like crazy. Even the cats get in on it with their meowing.”

Richard never goes to bed until he is absolutely sure each animal has either been delivered that day or is experiencing a safe, routine transport. “That’s when I can close the books, so to speak, and sleep well,” he confides. “I can drop off more easily when I know that Jack the pug made it to his family in Mississippi and Sasha the domestic short hair made it to her human in New York. That is always a great way to end my day.”

The whole adventure begins all over again the next day, Richard states. “There will be new clients, new faces, and new destinations, and just like the day before, the Blue Collar Pet Transport team will step up and focus on the details so that animals and humans are together again at the end of their trips. My job as a pet relocator is never boring. It’s really very rewarding, and I’ve never regretted choosing such an incredible profession.”

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