Bluecollar Pet Transport

Thumbnail for "Preparing Your Pet for Transport" with puppy in kennel.

Preparing Your Pet For Transport

Blue Collar Pet Transport prides itself on making the pet transport experience a breeze. However, there are things you can do beforehand to make your pet’s transport experience much easier. Below, we outline the top things every owner should do before they send their loved one on a trip.

Labeling Food

If your dog or cat is on a special diet, make sure to label the food if it isn’t already. Please write down specific instructions with regards to how much they should eat, when, and any other important details.

Tags and Micro Chips

Something every owner should do is make sure their pet has proper identification and is microchipped. In the event your dog or cat runs away, it is paramount that we’re able to find the right one. However, we do everything in our power to make sure that would never happen.

Health Certificate

If you want your pet to travel anywhere, it absolutely needs a health certificate. According to American Veterinary Medical Association, a health certificate is:

This certificate basically indicates your pet is healthy to travel and is not showing signs of a disease that could be passed to other animals or to people. Certain vaccinations must be up to date for a health certificate to be issued. As part of the exam, your veterinarian may check for heart-worm disease and prescribe heart-worm preventative medication … You will need a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection to travel and some airlines require an acclimation certificate. Both of these certificates can only be completed and signed by a federally accredited veterinarian.

American Veterinary Medical Association

Long story short, it’s important to make sure your pet is in good health to travel.


I don’t think any of us would like going on a long trip smelling bad, and your pet doesn’t want to either. Please wash and groom your dog or cat before sending it on pet transport.

Sedatives for Stress

Last but not least, if your pet isn’t a fan of traveling, please provide us sedatives that they might need on the trip. We want to get your loved one to their destination as quickly and easily as possible, and if they are getting sick along the way, it will slow us down. Additionally, we want your pet to enjoy the experience, not hate it!


There are many things you can do before you send your pet on a transport adventure to make it easier on them. If you need to get your loved one somewhere ASAP, feel free to contact us here. We would love to help!

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